Welcome to 2015!
We’re bringing you something a little different again this time, with our first Self Proclaimed Intellectuals MINISODE! What is a minisode, you may ask? As our podcast has grown and evolved, our discussions and segments have gotten longer, allowing you, the listener, to enjoy more fun facts, dorky humor, and intellectual-ness, but we understand that sometimes, it’s just too much for the brain to handle. Minisodes are single-segment episodes that let us explore one topic in depth without running away with your time. We’ll use them to answer listener questions, talk about something longer than normal without making an episode too long, or just to get out an episode when we can’t come up with a full one.
Alright then. SPI Minisode #1 answers two listener questions related to finance (Travis cheers). Here they are:
- How should married couples organize their finances when their incomes aren’t equal?
- With the 2016 political season ramping up, and also relevant to our personal finances, we describe the difference between “deficit” and “debt.”
Feedback, questions, other stuff, email podcast@selfproclaimedintellectuals.com, use the form below for feedback, or start a conversation in the comments!
Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review us wherever your podcasts are had:
- iTunes: http://ow.ly/A00i9
- Stitcher: http://ow.ly/A00jt
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- RSS: http://ow.ly/A018G
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Here’s looking forward to a great and intellectual 2015. We’ll be back on our regular schedule soon!
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