After a short delay, Self Proclaimed Intellectuals #8 has arrived! Today’s podcast is all about technology. Do we spend too much time with it? What’s the scoop on virtual reality; can we be the VR Troopers yet? And most ominously, will listening to this podcast get you tortured by our future robotic overlords?
- Philosophomores: Exploring the “device paradigm.” Is how much time we spend on technology preventing us from living fulfilling human lives?
- Thought du Jour: Virtual reality. What about it?
- Near the Fringe: Are you in danger of torment from sentient AI because you listened to this podcast? Probably. Sorry. Let’s learn about “Roko’s Basilisk.”
Got questions, complaints, or ideas for future segments? You can contact us any of the following ways: email podcast@selfproclaimedintellectuals.com, use the contact form below to send us a private message, or leave a public comment for discussion in the comments below.
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- Windows 7/8 and Zune Marketplace
Show notes:
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